One of our students cleaning her shoes
The electric shoe cleaner at work
(Our student needs longer shoes!)
Shoe Cream -- Yummy?
Cream Puffs -- Yummy!
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(Our student needs longer shoes!)
Speaking of shoes, many of my students tell me they like Chou Cream (シュークリーム). Unfortunately, that's Japanese English. In English, it sounds like "shoe cream" -- a polish for cleaning shoes. ("Shoe cream" is more commonly called "shoe polish.")

It seems the Japanese name is a blending of the French "choux à la crème" and the the English word "cream." In Australia, we call them "choux pastries." In America, they're called "cream puffs."

Our building owner has been very generous lately. As well as installing the shoe cleaner, he gave us a new door sign...
Be & Me 英会話 Club大阪心斎橋の個人英会話学校。フレンドリーで熱心な外国人講師と手ごろな授業料が人気です。
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1 comment:
Your school is becoming more and more fascinating during I'm in Sendai!!
I want both of them.
The electric shoe cleaner and Cream Puff!!! ...Yasuyo
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