Sunday, July 15, 2007

Where is Man-Li?

All this week the T.V. news programs and newspapers have been warning us that Typhoon Number 4 was going to hit Osaka this morning. I was expecting to wake up to howling winds and driving rain. Instead, I was greeted by a slight breeze [little wind] and the “Me! Me! Me!” of cicadas [semi]. Admittedly, the clouds are looking really dark and ominous [hinting of a bad future], but I’m feeling let down.

In Japan, typhoons are numbered. In other countries, they are given names. (You probably all remember that New Orleans was devastated [badly damaged] by hurricane Katrina a couple of years back.) Today’s typhoon – wherever it is! – is called Man-Li. I googled [checked through the Google search engine] that name. As far as I can tell, that’s a Chinese name for an area near Hong Kong, and possibly a man’s name. Traditionally, tropical storms – hurricanes, cyclones & typhoons – were all given ladies’ names. These days, the names are half ladies’ and half men’s.

Anyway, enjoy your not-so-rainy Sunday!

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