Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Present from Santa

Santa gave our son a remote-controlled car for Xmas. Here is a video of him driving it around a cardboard race track we made in our living room...

By the way, the car is a GX Buggy by Takara Tomy. You can check out the official promo video here...

The level of control they show in that video is very, very difficult for a 6-year-old to achieve. It's impossible for a 47-year-old to achieve!

Friday, December 24, 2010

You'd Better Watch Out!

Santa Clause is Coming to Town!

If you have been good this year, tonight Santa will climb down your chimney and leave presents under your Christmas tree. (If you don’t have a chimney, don’t worry – Santa uses magic to change your air-conditioner into a fireplace. If you don’t believe me, check out Disney's The Santa Clause.)

Santa gives you presents. Did you know that you are supposed to give Santa something? To find out what, click on
Don't Forget the ???

Have a fun tonight, everyone!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Be & Me 英会話 Club

僕たちがやっている英会話学校 「Be & Me 英会話 Club」 の紹介をします!

* Fun & Effective 【 楽しく身につく 】

* Relaxed 【 くつろげる 】

* Experienced Teachers 【 経験豊な講師 】
リラックスした雰囲気に流されてしまうことはありません! 2人で20年に及ぶ経験を持つ当スクールの講師たちがおこなうレッスンは楽しいだけではなく、「英語を上達させる」ことを強く意識して構成されています。

* Safe 【 安心 】
入学金はかかりません。 完全月謝制です。 レッスンを始めるにあたり、大きな経済的負担を負う必要はありません。

* Effective 【 効果 】
楽しいレッスンを心がけています。 (そうすれば、また来週も勉強したくなるでしょ?)
また、レッスン毎に新しい表現、文法やパターンを練習できるようにしています。 1年後には50にも及ぶ英語表現や会話パターンを身につけることになります。 日々のレッスンでは気づかないかもしれませんが、1年が過ぎるころにはあなた自身があなたの上達ぶりに驚くことでしょう。

* Variety 【 飽きない教材 】
教材費はかかりません。 なぜなら固定のテキストブックを使わないからです。 「レッスンプランが無い」というわけではありません。 レッスンが退屈なものにならないようにするため、独自のプリント、新聞や雑誌の記事、ビデオ、CDなど豊富な教材を用意しています。

* Results 【 結果 】





TOEIC, TOEFL & 英検クラス

Be & Me キッズ クラス

無料体験レッスンの予約をお待ちしています! 電話:06-6915-2613

成人向け英会話レッスン: セミプライベートコース (1名~3名)

1クラス、1名~3名。 クラスメートは同じレベルの方です。

無料体験レッスンの予約をお待ちしています! 電話:06-6915-2613

成人向け英会話レッスン: プライベートコース (マンツーマン)


* Flexible 【 柔軟 】
プライベートコースはあなただけのクラスなので、私たちが用意する教材の中からあなたの望むものを選んでいただけます。 今までに、留学準備、海外出張、ビジネスや医学会でのプレゼンテーション、スピーチコンテスト、翻訳、海外企業への就職面接など、さまざまな目的にあった実践的なレッスンをして結果を出し、生徒さんたちにはたいへん満足してもらっています。

無料体験レッスンの予約をお待ちしています! 電話:06-6915-2613

ビジネス & 旅行英会話 クラス

ビジネス/旅行英会話用に特別に用意した教材をつかいます。 プライベートレッスンですので、あなたの訪れる国や地域をふまえてレッスンをすすめます。 基本はマンツーマンとなりますが、同じレベルで、同じレッスンタイムに通うことができる人がいた場合のみ(2名または3名)、セミプライベートコース扱いが可能です。 但し、途中で1人になった場合はプライベート扱いに戻ります。

無料体験レッスンの予約をお待ちしています! 電話:06-6915-2613

TOEIC, TOEFL & 英検クラス

Be & Me 英会話 Club で勉強して 英検合格しました!

TOEIC テキスト

このコースでは「結果」が出ます! 一晩で英語を上達させる魔法の薬はありませんが、この授業ではテストの点数を上げるための攻略法を教えていきます。

無料体験レッスンの予約をお待ちしています! 電話:06-6915-2613

Be & Me キッズ クラス

Be & Me キッズクラスでは 子供たちが楽しく学べるように いろんなアイディアを取り入れてレッスンを構成しています。音楽・アクション・カード・パペット・ゲーム・クラフト製作・英語すごろく・絵本読み聞かせなど年齢やレベルにあわせて用意しています。子供の集中力は短いもの。大手スクールも1レッスンで数種類の教材を使います。けれど答えようと考えてる子供やすごく興味を持ってる子供たちがいても、時間がくれば次の教材へ。「カリキュラムをこなす」姿勢が否めません。私たちは違います!子供の様子にあわせて柔軟に対応しています。子供の吸収力の凄さ、そしてアウトプット(話す)の難しさを理解し、子供自身から発信されるシグナルには立ち止まってじっくり耳をかたむける!そして誉める!もっと英語で話したくなる気持ちを育てる!それが私たちのやり方です。たぶん、私たちが息子をもって、彼が0歳から今までバイリンガルとして育ってきた過程を、人間の言語野が2つの言語を習得していく過程をまざまざと体験したことが役に立っていると思います。10月には毎年ハロウィーンピクニックを盛大におこなって、生徒さん親子だけでなく、そのお友達たちも一緒になって遊んでいます!

無料体験レッスンの予約をお待ちしています! 電話:06-6915-2613

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

スクールカレンダー & イベント

みなさん、こんにちは!オンライン”スクールカレンダー&お知らせ”の ページをアップデイトしました!当月のサービスレッスン日やキッズクラスの日程、祝 日やイベント案内が日本語で確認できます。

当校の ホームページ( の “スクールカレンダー”または "生徒のみなさんへ" をクリックして下さい!または直接下記のアドレスへリンクして下さい!(携帯電話からも可能です)

ス クールカレンダー :

生 徒のみなさんへ :

よ ろしくお願いします!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Be & Me Student Writes to President Obama!

Recently, I was talking to Noriko, one of our students, about international affairs. Noriko believes in a nuclear weapon-free world. She was very disappointed that President Obama, who also believes in a nuclear weapon-free world, did so poorly in the American mid-term elections. She said she wanted to write a letter of support to him. So, that’s what she did!
Keiko, one of our other students, watches Noriko signing her letter to President Obama
Noriko imagining President Obama reading her letter

Here’s what she wrote…


December 27th, 2010

President Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

I’m sorry to hear that the Democratic Party lost a lot of seats in this mid-term election. Most American people who have independent minds and regard nuclear weapons as a deterrent can’t or don’t want to understand your healthcare reform bill or your nuclear policy.

I think the 21st Century is an era of peaceful coexistence. Nuclear weapons and spent nuclear fuel are negative assets from human beings.

We – all living things on earth, including human beings – have to respect each other.

Some people say it’s just an ideal. So what? To translate ideals into reality – that’s the aim of politics.

Your speech moved me. You’re very brave!

When there are no nuclear weapons, please come to Japan, especially Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

In Kyoto, let me treat you to delicious macha ice cream. Let’s celebrate the victory of a nuclear-free world.

Yours sincerely,
Noriko Izumisawa

After signing the letter, Noriko decided to include a photo of some green-tea ice cream…

Noriko photographing green-tea ice cream

Next time President Obama comes to Japan, he might eat Noriko’s green-tea ice cream instead of a green-tea popsicle

Which world leader would you like to write to?
What would you say to them?

このブログの日 本語訳はこちら をクリックしてください!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Last Word on Halloween

Check out the video from our Kids' Halloween Picnic in Tsurumi Ryokuchi Park by clicking on the arrow above or clicking Here!

You can check photos by clicking on
Halloween Picnic (2010)

Monday, November 08, 2010

The Second-last Word on Halloween

I finally posted some of our photos from the Halloween party at Ola Tacos Bar.

Click on Halloween Party at Ola (2010) to check them out!

I hope to have the photos from the Be & Me Halloween Picnic for kids posted in a day or two.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

スクールカレンダー & イベント

みなさん、こんにちは!オンライン”スクールカレンダー&お知らせ”の ページをアップデイトしました!当月のサービスレッスン日やキッズクラスの日程、祝 日やイベント案内が日本語で確認できます。

当校の ホームページ( の “スクールカレンダー”または "生徒のみなさんへ" をクリックして下さい!または直接下記のアドレスへリンクして下さい!(携帯電話からも可能です)

ス クールカレンダー :

生 徒のみなさんへ :

よ ろしくお願いします!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Do you believe in ghosts? The Ancient Celts believed that ghosts came back to this world on Halloween. They wore scary costumes to hide from the ghosts.

Recently, this car ad was pulled off the air in Europe. Viewers said they could see a ghostly face reflected in the car’s window.

Look carefully! Can you see it?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Only 3 Days Until Halloween!

OMG! (Oh, my God!) It's only 3 more days until the Halloween Party at Ola Tacos Bar! We only started making our costumes yesterday! Will we be ready in time!

BTW (By the way), you can check out photos from Ola's past Halloween photos at
Ola's Halloween Party 2008 and Ola's Halloween Party 2009.

And speaking of Halloween at Ola, we found Wally (A.K.A. [Also known as] Waldo) on the way home from last year's party...
We found him!
On Monday, a friend sent me a link to this very strange photo of a bunch of zombies in Sydney...
Look carefully!

And speaking of Halloween, last Thursday I taught a lesson at a kindergarten in Kuzuha. On the way back to the station, I passed this hairdresser...
That's a cool name for the rest of this week. However, it's pretty stupid for about 51 weeks from next Monday!

And speaking of Halloween lessons, we've being holding a bunch of them for Be & Me Kids. In last Tuesday's class, we played many different Halloween games. One of them was...
Put the Hat on the Witch
Guess who lost!

Finally, don't forget that Mayumi's Halloween countdown ("count-up" [?]) continues! Check out the following links to see photos & YouTube videos of our previous Halloween parties...

Check out Mayumi's latest Blog entry here...

Check out all the Be & Me YouTube videos here...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Nail Art

One of our students is a nail artist. (Hi, Yasuko!) This week, she came to her class wearing Halloween nail art.

Yasuko's nail-art studio is called...

It's in the same building as Be & Me 英会話 Club . One of our other students (Hi, Takumi!) is now one of Yasuko's regular customers. She's very happy with Yasuko's work. If you're interested in getting your nails done for Halloween -- or any reason! -- give Yasuko a call on 06-6245-7577.

By the way, do you know the English names for each of the fingers? Here they are...

Mayumi's Halloween countdown ("count-up" [?]) continues! Check out the following links to see photos & YouTube videos of our previous Halloween parties...

Check out Mayumi's latest Blog entry here...

Check out all the Be & Me YouTube videos here...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I Shaved my Wife!

In my last entry (The Halloween Countdown Continues), I included a link to a video of our 1999 Halloween costume - Dr. Evil & Mini Me from the Austin Powers movies. Most people assume that Mayumi wore a bald wig for that costume. WRONG! She actually shaved her head...

It was her idea! Honestly!!!

Her nick-name was Ikkyu San for the next couple of weeks...
Ikkyu San - a popular Japanese cartoon character
Info in Japanese)

The Japanese media usually refers to anyone with a shaved head as "Skinhead." In English, Skinhead usually refers to members of neo-Nazi groups. Mayumi is definitely not a neo-Nazi! "Shaven-headed" is a better term to use. For example, Bruce Willis is a popular shaven-headed actor.

By the way, the Halloween countdown continues! Go to
モカモカのブログ for the latest updates in photos & videos.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Halloween Countdown Continues

Mayumi's halloween "countdown" (she's actually counting up!) continues. Click on ハロウィン・アーカイブ 5 to view more goofy photos. An speaking of goofy, check out the video above!

You can check out all our School Videos here!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Counting Down to Halloween

Last week, we opened up the suitcase with all our old Halloween costumes in it. Looking at all the costumes reminded Mayumi of our past Halloweens together. She decided to write about them on her Mocha Mocha Blog (モカモカのブログ). Read her first entry here: Getting Ready for Halloween. Read the rest of her countdown at the following links...

Halloween '98

Don' forget to check on her other entries at モカモカのブログ

Thursday, October 07, 2010


Every Month, we hold a Service Lesson for students who have missed their regular classes. At the last Service Lesson, we played the Be & Me English-practice version of Snakes & Ladders, a popular board game in Western countries. One of the more difficult vocabulary cards in that game is "sane." Sane is the opposite of crazy. Another way to say crazy is "insane." For example...
This is an INSANE thing to do!
My brother Joe is the Japanese agent for Liberty Skis ( He has some riders based in Hakuba who help him promote the skis. They are waiting for snow at the moment. It's amazing what some bored skiers with too much time on their hands and a couple of hundred bags of rubber bands can come up with. Check out the video below – it's INSANE!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

スクールカレンダー& イベント

みなさん、こんにちは!オンライン”スクールカレンダー&お知らせ”の ページをアップデイトしました!当月のサービスレッスン日やキッズクラスの日程、祝 日やイベント案内が日本語で確認できます。

当校の ホームページ( の “スクールカレンダー”または "生徒のみなさんへ" をクリックして下さい!または直接下記のアドレスへリンクして下さい!(携帯電話からも可能です)

ス クールカレンダー :

生 徒のみなさんへ :

よ ろしくお願いします!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Feeling Goofy!

Goofy means funny in a strange way. There's a Disney character called Goofy. He's funny in a strange way. I love goofy stuff. When I saw the goofy picture above, I laughed out loud.

Last night, Mayumi wrote on her Blog (
) about our TV-drama-viewing history. She mentioned The X-Files. It reminded me of a goofy video we made together one rainy Sunday...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The 5 A's

This Sunday, September 19th, is International Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day. In the video above, Captain Slappy & Old Chumbucket (John Baur and Mark Summers -- the "pirate guys" who started the holiday many years ago) will teach you how to talk like a pirate.


Because it's fun!!!

The 5 A's are...

Ahoy! – "Hello!"

2) Avast!"Listen to me!" It can also be used in a sense of surprise, kind of like "Check it out!" ["Look at that!"] or "No way!"

3) Aye!"Yes!” or “Yes, I agree!”

4) Aye, aye!"Yes, I'll do that straight away!”

5) Arrr! – This one is often confused with "Arrrgh!” – the sound you make when you sit on your sword. "Arrr!" can mean many things: "Yes," "I agree," "I'm happy," "I'm enjoying this beer," "My team is going to win," "I saw that television show, it sucked!" and "That was a clever remark you or I just made."
There are many more possible ways to use “Arrr!”

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The New Blarney Stone Irish Pub in Shinsaibashi Opening Tonight

Every Saint Patrick's Day, I recommend two Irish pubs in Osaka -- Murphy's Irish Pub (in Shinsaibashi) and The Blarney Stone (in Umeda). Next year, there will be three choices – the new Blarney Stone in Shinsaibashi is opening tonight! (Click Here for a Map)

I went there last Thursday with a friend (Hi, Dave!), one of our students (Hi, Chie!), and a couple of her friends for a pre-opening party. It looks like it’s going to be a fun place to hang out! Check it out tonight – or any night this week!

The pub gets its name from the Blarney Stone, a real stone in a castle wall in Ireland. Legend says that if you kiss the stone, you will be given the gift of the gab (the ability to have interesting conversations with everyone).

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

スクールカレンダー& イベント

みなさん、こんにちは!オンライン”スクールカレンダー&お知らせ”の ページをアップデイトしました!当月のサービスレッスン日やキッズクラスの日程、祝 日やイベント案内が日本語で確認できます。

当校の ホームページ( の “スクールカレンダー”または "生徒のみなさんへ" をクリックして下さい!または直接下記のアドレスへリンクして下さい!(携帯電話からも可能です)

ス クールカレンダー :

生 徒のみなさんへ :

よ ろしくお願いします!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Avast, ye Land Lubbers! September 19th be International Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day! Arrrr!

That’s right! On Sunday, September 19th, people all over the world will be talking like pirates. Why? Click on the links below to find out more:

そうです! 来たる9月19日(日)は世界各地で人々が海賊みたいなしゃべりかたをします!
なぜか? 知りたい方は 下記のリンクをクリックしてください。

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Tooth Fairy

On Saturday, our son woke up missing one of his baby teeth.

When children’s baby teeth fall out in Western countries, they put them under their pillows before the go to sleep. They believe that the tooth fairy will visit their bedrooms during the night and exchange their baby teeth for gifts of money.
The tooth fairy (fairies?) visits a child's bedroom

One of our students (Hi, Noriko!) gave us a beautiful little box that was perfectly suited to this tradition...
Our son put his tooth into the box and then put the box under his pillow...
During the night, he was visited by the tooth fairy…
I can't decide which costume suits me best! What do you think?

The next morning, the tooth was no longer in the box...
In its place was 100 yen.
In the early 90s, they were going to make an action/comedy movie featuring Arnold Scharzenegger as the Tooth Fairy. For some reason, that project didn’t go ahead. However, when I was looking for tooth fairy pictures, I found out that that movie did finally get made…

Monday, August 02, 2010

スクールカレンダー & イベント

みなさん、こんにちは!オンライン”スクールカレンダー&お知らせ”の ページをアップデイトしました!当月のサービスレッスン日やキッズクラスの日程、祝 日やイベント案内が日本語で確認できます。

当校の ホームページ( の “スクールカレンダー”または "生徒のみなさんへ" をクリックして下さい!または直接下記のアドレスへリンクして下さい!(携帯電話からも可能です)

ス クールカレンダー :

生 徒のみなさんへ :

よ ろしくお願いします!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Only 5 Days Until the Tenjin Festival!

Only 5 days until the Tenjin Festival! (Above is a photo I took at last year's festival) Last year, I did a countdown to the festival by teaching how to say some common Japanese summer festival words in English. If you're new to this blog (or if you've just forgotten!), check out the links below...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Teru Teru Bozu

The Long Weekend starts tomorrow. If you're like me, you're sick of all this rain. One way to make sure it doesn't rain is to make a teru teru bozu (A.K.A. teru teru bouzu) -- a Japanese good-weather charm.

Above is
a goofy video we made in Australia 10 years ago. In it, Mayumi explains what a Teru Teru Bozu is and Rigby threatens the good-weather charm. However, the Teru Teru Bozu has the last laugh!

Click here for other Be & Me YouTube Videos!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

That Brings Back Memories!

Recently, I wrote about the old Japanese TV show Monkey (西遊記). I included a link to a couple of related YouTube videos in that post. Later, I was talking to one of our students (Hi, Yuji!) about those links. He asked how to say natsukashii
(懐かしい) in English. Most dictionaries translate natsukashii to "nostalgic." In conversation, it's more common to say, "That brings back memories!"

One of my friends from high school (Hi,Peter!) sent me a link to the above YouTube video on the weekend.

It certainly brought back some memories for me!

Does it bring back any memories for you?

Thursday, July 01, 2010

スクールカレンダー & イベント

みなさん、こんにちは!オンライン”スクールカレンダー&お知らせ”の ページをアップデイトしました!当月のサービスレッスン日やキッズクラスの日程、祝 日やイベント案内が日本語で確認できます。

当校の ホームページ( の “スクールカレンダー”または "生徒のみなさんへ" をクリックして下さい!または直接下記のアドレスへリンクして下さい!(携帯電話からも可能です)

ス クールカレンダー :

生 徒のみなさんへ :

よ ろしくお願いします!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's a Bunyip?

Last night, I was talking to a student (Hi, Yasuyo!) about Japanese actors. She said her favorite Japanese actor was Toshiyuki Nishida.
Toshiyuki Nishida
She was surprised to find out that I used to watch him in the Japanese TV show "Monkey" on Australian TV way back in the early 1980s. My friends & I were huge fans of the show. Pigsy (the character's English name) was our favorite character.
Sandy, Monkey, Tripitaka & Pigsy

You can watch the opening on YouTube here - Monkey Magic

You can also see Pigsy's song in English here - Pigsy's Song

Standing on the left side of the cast photo above is Shiro Kishibe, who played the kappa. His character was called Sandy in the English version of "Monkey."

A Kappa

We have nothing exactly like a kappa in Western cultures. In Europe, the closest thing would be the water nymph. Nymphs are kind of like a fairies that are connected to natural things like water and trees. Nymphs are always female, and usually very beautiful.
A Water Nymph

Australian Aboriginals believe in a kind of kappa called a bunyip. Bunyips live in rivers and waterholes. They hide under the water waiting to catch children who go too close to the water's edge.