Monday, November 19, 2007

Bubble Wrap

Often my students are surprised at some of the obscure [strange, not known by many people] things that I know. (On the other hand, I’m often surprised by the important things I don’t know!) I have a secret: Many years ago, one of my friends gave me a Page-a-Day desk calendar on trivia. Every day, I could rip off a page and learn something new and useless.

The cover of next year’s Page-a-Day Trivia desk calendar
With the calendar came a “key” (actually a code of numbers) to their online service. Since I used that key on their Homepage, I have been receiving a daily e-mail telling me more new and useless information.

Last Thursday’s trivia question was, “What were the two engineers who invented Bubble Wrap trying to develop when they came up with the poppable protective packaging material?”

The answer was, “A plastic wallpaper with a paper backing. The two, Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes, quickly saw the potential of the bubbly laminated material they ended up with and established the Sealed Air Corporation to sell their new Bubble Wrap.”

Bubble Wrap

I remember the first time my family got a package wrapped in Bubble Wrap way back when I was a kid. My sister & I spent hours popping the individual bubbles with our fingers. What fun!

If you want to experience the modern day equivalent of that “fun,” you should check out Virtual Bubble Wrap.

If you like that, I also recommend you check out these other goofy (strange but funny) sites…

Kikkoman – You all know Batman & Superman, but who is Kikkoman?

Shinbashi – This is guaranteed to make you laugh! (If that doesn't play straight away, click on "cracking piece")

By the way, while I was checking out the new Page-a-Day Calendars, I found this interesting title...

Find out more at The Bad President Page-a-Day Calendar

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